
Owen Niblock

@GrumpyMark I also have aphantasia! Often I'll vaguely know what I want to draw and just make marks roughly approximating what they'll be in the end. Very interesting that you do this.

When my kids were small we used to make scribble monsters where they'd draw random shapes and then I'd turn it into a monster ๐Ÿ˜

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Andrew ๐Ÿ–Œ

@owenniblock @GrumpyMark this is what I do too, like I can compose a scene well enough to know there'll be a shoulder roughly here on the page or whatever, but I can't see the picture in my head clearly enough to know the details. I have to draw a draft and refine it, if I'm drawing anything unfamiliar or front an interesting angle. I mean some of that's just practice but if other people can see the whole thing before they start drawing tbh that feels like cheating
