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Terrence the Fox

@dansup @NafiTheBear @pixelfed @loops afraid I have to agree. The mobile apps are not released and admin isn’t working in them on the latest releases.

The gif handling is known to be buggy. Hashtags still don’t parse correctly in some instances.
Lack of reliable notifications or email notifications for some things so easy to miss reports etc.

And that’s just off the top of my head immediately without looking at my notes.

It’s difficult to follow your mass PR floods as they aren’t squash committed on GitHub with clear histories and literally end up with just “merge staging” but I can’t argue you do put in a lot of work. You do, however, need to start accepting contributions more readily and invest time in pipelines for validation IMO.


@loops i think you should put the remark of @NafiTheBear into perspective, @dansup. Compared to the pace of development of e.g. Meta, the development of @pixelfed is slow. That does NOT mean you're doing anything wrong, though.
I'd rather take that comparison as a compliment: @NafiTheBear is putting you on the same Level as Multi-Billion cooperations.

lutoma :ohai:

@dansup @NafiTheBear I don't personally use Pixelfed, but I've heard the same sentiment echoed by multiple people that do, especially when it comes to long-standing unfixed bugs.
