
A-priory you would expect a guy who went from emerald mines to riches to know more about making money than someone who dedicated his life to science.

But if Musk wanted to destroy Twitter could he have done so much more thoroughly? Cheaper probably.

FediScience has almost 1000 active users now. Other science servers are also exploding. Many people signing up now give as reason that they follow others leaving. I have seen several people claim there is more science action here than on Twitter.

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Alex Francis

@VictorVenema the signal to noise ratio is much better on mastodon, that’s for sure. I think the Twitter algorithm put a lot of crap in my feed to provoke outrage. Plus ridiculous, poorly targeted ads. I’d rather pay a lot through Patreon to get what I want than be inundated with foolishness for free.

Christian Meesters


On Twitter, you can/may brag about your paper. I hope, here - for all the brevity of toots - some real discussions will take place, beyond the mere "I am right and you are wrong".
