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@tenderlove Well I know my metrics at Google that we use to make sure cloud projects are healthy do ttfb on customer content.

I guess if you're running your own load balances you care about both.


@tenderlove I think cloudflare defines it as "first byte of content" as well:


Article Text: What is TTFB?

TTFB is a metric which reports the duration between sending the request from the client to a server for a given file, and the receipt of the first byte of said file. For example, if you were to download the Cloudflare logo from our website the TTFB would be how long it took to receive the first byte of that image. Similarly, if you were to measure the TTFB of a request to cloudflare.com the metric would return the TTFB of how long it took from request to receiving the first byte of the first HTTP response. Not how long it took for the image to be fully visible or for the web page to be loaded in a state that allowed a user to begin using it.