Was talking to someone about the other day, and how they apparently used some sort of for . It occurs to me that someone could eventually build some sort of tool for moderation on and the greater , which could use similar AI to flag posts it thought were inappropriate, thus taking some load off of . It also occurs to me that this may actually become necessary, as spammers and other bad actors get access to more powerful AI, which can do large-scale attacks on our social network.

I don't think I am going to try this anytime soon, but it occurs to me that someone could relatively easily put together an open source AI system for flagging posts.

If we could set aside the concerns about power consumption / environmentalism that come with large-scale fast systems, how would people on feel about AI being used as a tool for moderation?

Please respond to and this , and post any thoughts about it in the comments!

  • Use AI as a direct moderator, with appeals. (8)
  • Use AI only to report / flag, not to take action. (115)
  • No opinion / Neutral / Don't know (5)
  • Do NOT use AI for moderation AT ALL. (88)
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