
PeerTube is the Fediverse's alternative to YouTube, and lets anyone start their own independent video server. It uses p2p technology to allow even small servers to host viral videos.

You can follow the project at @peertube and the website is at joinpeertube.org

Because it's part of the Fediverse, you can follow PeerTube accounts from Mastodon etc. For example, try following @chriswere. Followers will see the account's videos appear in their timelines, and if they reply to a video post it will appear as a comment below that video in PeerTube.

Android apps for PeerTube include FediLab and TubeLab (fedilab.app), but you can use it directly through the browser on any platform.

If you want to start your own PeerTube server, there are lots of options:

-Easiest by far is to use a managed hosting service (see growyourown.services/grow-your)

-Next easiest is to use @yunohost (see yunohost.org)

-Most difficult is installing manually (see docs.joinpeertube.org)

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Darnell Clayton :verified:

@feditips @peertube @chriswere @yunohost You can also find a decent list here too: delightful.club/delightful-lib

I actually thought about creating a Peertube account, but server fees (especially bandwidth) are currently beyond my budget right now. I am currently using Vimeo to host my content, & while not exactly cheap, it is within my budget.

I will keep looking for an affordable host though.

Yuval/Talya (she/her)

@feditips fedilab and tubelab are both available on @fdroidorg !
