If you're publishing to , bear in mind Mastodon will show your videos as made by your PeerTube account, and not your PeerTube channels.

To avoid confusing Mastodon followers, you might want to brand your account and channel identically. If you need to have several different PeerTube channels, consider using several different PeerTube accounts instead.

The username on videos viewed from Mastodon will be your PeerTube account. Channels will just look like groups boosting your account.

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Rodion Borisov

@feditips I'd say it's the opposite that *confused* me, personally. I looked in their channels through PeerTube and noticed that both channel and account are barely different.

But the advise is right on the money - first and foremost, you would want to maintain your channel's brand on Fediverse, rather than what could be a simple Mastodon microblog for your personal posts.
