
Here is a page from the Jezero history book found at an underground Martian rock bookstore; not sure it's authentic:

"Life was nice and peaceful by the lake, in Jezero. Microbes were thriving, and lichens 🥬 had just started growing on the hills next to the water 🎶

And then all of a sudden, bad things started to happen 🌪️. A slowly progressing climate change came to a tipping point; heavy thunderstorms ⛈️ ⚡ would start out of the blue within minutes, and megatons of water, carrying huge


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boulders, would come roaring down the slopes. The sound was deafening; 1000 thunders striking every moment. Gargantuan rocks knocking each other chipped off their edges, became rounder, gained momentum and then broke into pieces when hitting others head on. The ground shook hard...

The rain would last for weeks, washing the dirt, grinding little rocky chips into sand, filling the lake with water little by little, spreading out debris in a huge Venetian fan of sand and rocks.

