Ensuring the integrity of elections means protecting public discourse โ€“ much of which occurs online.

With the Digital Services Act, we have the tools to ensure it while safeguarding freedom of expression.

Today, weโ€™ve launched a public consultation to seek views on draft guidelines on the integrity of electoral processes.

They provide examples of potential mitigation measures and mitigation measures tied to Generative AI content, among others.

Have your say ๐Ÿ‘‰ europa.eu/!YPPxnH

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KB Leecaster

The true battlefield is the information landscape attempting to win hearts and minds. Democracies have got to figure out how to protect both free speech and their societies at the same time.

Lazy B0y

@EU_Commission Democracy is when a never elected Person that shined through high incompetency and shady contracting practices to the gain of her kids employers (itโ€™s not corruption because itโ€™s legal ๐Ÿ˜‚) in her former roles is the head of the eu commission?

Natasha Nox ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’›

@EU_Commission Protecting public discourse should also mean protection from "social" algorithms. You can not independently make up your mind if your devices are literally analysing what you think and then show information that makes you attached to your phone, as those are usually very emotional. What's very emotional? Extremism of course.

If you really want to to something against the current wave of right-wing extremism and protect european elections then BAN SOCIAL ALGORITHMS!

Skrrp :bisexual_flag:

@EU_Commission any chance we get measures to mitigate the mass government spying from eIDAS Article 45?
