FediTips has moved!
- 1y ·
Hey there people of the Fediverse!
IF YOU ARE USING A MOBILE APP (AND *NOT* WEB BROWSERS) to read this, could you click on the link below and then answer the survey?
➡️ https://mastodon.sdf.org/@obster/111057609548281707
Question: Does clicking on the link make the post appear within your app just like any normal post from a timeline, or does it open a browser window and show you the post as a web page?
It opens in the app and looks like any normal post (0)
It opens in a browser within app or outside app (0)
It opens in the app just like any normal post (1,919)
...something else? (reply to say what) (0)
I am not using a mobile app (0)
It opens in a browser window (608)