@noelrap @Cdespinosa when your post mentioned Apple educational research, I thought of this book I read recently. They worked in education but it's about the multimedia lab that closed around 92. Possible you may have worked with someone mentioned, and it has interesting HyperCard history. https://www.amazon.com/learn-different-Designing-Multimedia-1987-1992-ebook/dp/B07QCH1VN4/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=VF7IP9C9V09&keywords=learn+different+kristina+hooper&qid=1690535451&sprefix=learn+different+kristina+hooper%2Caps%2C88&sr=8-1
Noel Rappin
@CodingItWrong @Cdespinosa The author of this paper http://worrydream.com/refs/Spohrer%20-%20ATG%20Education%20Research,%20The%20Authoring%20Tools%20Thread.pdf was the head of the the group I was working with. That summer, they brought in a bunch of grad students and contractors to use SK8 to build educational tooling. SK8 was meant to be the successor to HyperCard in some ways.