Discovery is hard to get right, fancy algorithms can work with enough data

When you don't have enough data, basic signals such as like or comment counts can do the job

Nothing beats human curated discovery though, and I can't do this alone

Imagine if I could delegate this to a group of trusted users who can find and add/categorize posts and together could vote on content and categories

Imagine a single person could be in charge for the day, and it rotates between them


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@dansup maybe another form of interaction would help, not just repost for own followers or like for self, but something like a kudos button that would mark the post as a potential recommendation to others.


@dansup imagine we offered a set of helpful algorithms just like we have a set of pretty photo filters, and imagine that we had full transparency about how those algorithms work, and imagine that we allowed savvy users the agency to tweak the algorithms to their liking and even create their own

what a wonderful world it would be


The Apple App Store is a great example of human curated discovery.

I'd love to crowd source a basic iteration of this, where there is a "pic of the day" with a short summary of the account/context

Another section could be dedicated to "under the radar" accounts

The community could vote on monthly themes, like say nature, and have a section dedicated to that

I want discovery to be a lot better, but not forget the humanity and emotion that a endless algorithmic feed would

Sten the Sten

@dansup you could crowdsource suggested tags and suggested alt-text, maybe with an upvote system

James J Malcolm

@dansup remember the Sweden Twitter account that a random person got to take over (every week I think)?

You could do that, with an ever expanding selection of users, who effectively do a DJ-set of curated posts.

Maybe the nominated user has their likes within a set timespan shared in the Pixelfed Discovery Feed?
