Each server on the Fediverse is totally independent, with its own running costs and its own rules. There is no central server or authority here, no one owns the network as a whole. This place is just a collection of thousands of independently-owned servers that talk to each other.

You can find out more about your server by going to its website and clicking on "Learn More" or "⋯". Your server's website address is the last part of your account address (more info: fedi.tips/whats-my-accounts-ad).

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Blaise Faint

@feditips I think a helpful analogy is that Twitter uses a phone number, the Fediverse uses an area code plus the phone number...

Kathy Chandler 🌻

@feditips Is there any way to see all the posts containing a particular hashtag? I seem to only be able to see a very small subset when I search, even though I know there are posts on other servers that mine is federated with.

Luddite under protest

@feditips I realize you’re giving easy “Cliff’s Notes” to novices, but strictly speaking around 20—25% of the fedi is now centralized on Cloudflare. Most (if not all) are using Cloudflare’s default settings, so Cloudflare, Inc. decides for that 20+% of the fedi nodes who gets access. I happen to have a browser & config that Cloudflare discriminates against, so I can only reach the non-Cloudflare portion of fedi websites.
