

@humanetech@mastodon.social @blacklight@social.platypush.tech @ArneBab@rollenspiel.social I don't judge a product by who made it. People with a bad moral compass accidentally do good things, and software itself isn't political. I think would do well by not depending on , but I'm not going to use Github to tell them that.

Also note that the greedy and ruthless hypercapitalism only works if enough people support it. Github only "works" because the vast majority of its users have no moral compass and just want things for free, without thinking about the impact their actions have.

smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)

@tyil @blacklight @ArneBab

My point is, if no one is willing to engage with these people, who is going to tell them that we must do things a different way? Who is going to teach them that different, better paths do exist?
