Tom :debian: :xfce: :zsh:'s avatar
Tom :debian: :xfce: :zsh:'s avatar
Tom :debian: :xfce: :zsh:

:startrek: 🏳️‍🌈 Hey, I'm Tom. I love #technology and all things #opensource .

I currently run a bunch of #raspberrypi servers, a NAS, :homeassistant:, :raspberrypi:-Hole, Camera, #apache and #Baikal. These include :raspberrypi: 3B+'s, :raspberrypi: 4B's and the :raspberrypi: zero 2.

I run :debian: with :xfce: and my gaming computer does too! I also have a #Fairphone4 which runs :lineageos2: 20 with MindTheGapps.

Lover of ☕ and 🛏️. I have two beautiful long haired 🐱 .
